Organizer ID : A9133743
USCH Handle : tanachess
Org Time Zone : (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Web Site :
Phone : (617) 515-5149
Email :
Address : 26233 Taft Rd, MA 48374, USA



๏ปฟHow to Register to Play


I. Required steps before you can play at our tournaments  

โ€ข    Join or Renew your USCF membership if not currently valid.

o  Required to play in MCC events. o Required before you can register on the NAChessHub website. 

o  To join or renew with USCF.



โ€ข    Create your account on the NAChessHub site:

II. How to enter a tournament event 

โ€ข    Go to TANA Events page on NAChessHub.

โ€ข    Be sure to Subscribe to the club so you get event notifications.

โ€ข    Click on the Link for the Event you want to join.

III. Other Key Information

โ€ข    You can Request Byes as you are registering or Request them later

โ€ข    Late registration the day of the event will usually cost $5-10 more

โ€ข    Registration will disabled by the system 30 minutes before Round 1.  

โ€ข    You can still play in round 2 if you are late forRound1



IV. Recommendations

โ€ข    Make a practice of registering early before the event. Do not leave it until last minute as you may forget or have unforeseen issues that prevent you from entering in time. 

โ€ข    Remember your PayPal credentials if not paying by credit card.


No membership offered by the organizer.
No Events by the organizer